Monday, 11 March 2013

Top 5 Blog Posts for this week

It's March Break week here,
So I'm having a hard time keeping my sanity writing.
Still, I love to spend time with my kids. :)

Here is some awesome blog love for this week.
I had a hard time picking just five...

1) Janice talks about how to deal with cliffhanger endings when you have multiple POV's over at The Other Side of the Story.

2) Steve Laube has a mini rant about editorial errors that make it into the final book and how it is more prevelant in the age of self publishing.

3) How to let go of your internal editor when writing a blog post shared by Bryan Hutchinson.

4) Janet Kobobel Grant explains how being a contracted author can be difficult at the Books & Such blog.

5) Ann R. Allen shares the number one reason why queries fail (you don't want to miss this one!)

As a bonus, if you want a good laugh check out Kristen Lamb's take on extreme spamming:
Warning: This post may make men some people feel uncomfortable. So men you have been warned. The title is risque but the post will make most women laugh...and some men. Oops, I didn't mean to cross that one out.;)


  1. Thanks so much for the shout-out, Karen. Also for putting me in such awesome company. Kristen is one of my heroes. Isn't she hilarious?

    1. No problem Anne! I love visiting your blog. Yes, Kristen makes me laugh and I always learn something from her how to take advantage of new methods of advertising. :D Thanks for stopping by!
