There is so much to say in this post...
first off do you like the fall look?
I was finding that my old look was a little too much like the view out of my window...
I needed something a little less dreary. :)
Alas, and alack, this is the very last check in for Round #3 of ROW80,
(the writer's challenge that knows you have a life.).
But before you dissolve into a quivering mass of unfulfilled goals,
take heart, Round #4 starts on October 3rd.
Check out the website here if you are interested.
This round was hard as I started half way through.
I did find a groove by the end of it though,
editing about 2 chapters a week.
I would love to up that. :)
So, yes, I am commiting to the next round,
hopefully I will do better. :)
The other little bit of housekeeping to do is my writing prompt days,
I think that I will be moving them to another day,
(so they don't interfere with my ROW80 posts as much).
I'm leaning towards Monday's (Memorable Monday's),
or Tuesday's (Tasteful Tuesday's).
I would love some insight from my followers. Which day would you choose and also what would you call writing prompt days? Leave a comment and let me know.
Finally, I was looking for a critique partner/beta reader for my Work in progress over at the campaign,
(which is totally awesome and you should check out all the cool winners of the flash fiction pieces here.)
Anyway, I have successfully found one crit partner (yay!)
but I am looking for a few more.
Particularly someone who has some experience in critting,
and writes in a similar genre as me.
If you are interested check out the tab above marked Help Wanted and get in touch with me. :)
I'm also trying to come up with a blog schedule, finally realizing because of the campaign that once a week isn't enough. I write mg/ya fantasy & SF. Current SF reads more like a fantasy. I need someone with teen boys or access to some to beta or crit. My first book is done, working on second, so the beta read of first would need to precede crit on 2nd. You can check my book website thru my blog and see if you're interested. I've read SF fantasy for over 30 years & done critiques for over 5. You can see my first official book review on goodreads for The Sapphire Flute. My own book has a lot of puns like the Xanth series so if you don't like those, we wouldn't make a good pair. Let me know. I'm in SCBWI. Thanks.