Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Writing Prompt Wednesday #11

The middle of the week is here. :)
And with it comes a chance to flex your impromptu writing muscles.

Writing prompts are fairly straight forward.

The rules are simple:
1) Set your timer for 10 minutes
2) Write about the topic (There is no wrong answer! Everyone's response to the phrase or picture will be different).
3) DO NOT EDIT. Write without censoring editing. Write whatever comes into your mind. You may be surprised at your own pure genius. :)
Today's prompt is:

Write about a bed.

Come back on Friday and I will share what I came up with.

I would love to read your Writing Prompt results! Please post your passage in the comment box or leave a link to your blog post. :)


  1. Hi Karen: We are new to your blog by way of mutual blogging friend Kristen Lamb. We wanted to take part of your Writing Prompt Wednesday, but the bad weather tonight must be affecting the computers, so we sent you something (our story) via the email. Hope you got it. If not so sorry for the inconvenience. Thx Inion N. Mathair.

    1. Thank you for visiting my blog. I've added your blog to the list that I will be following. I wish both of you all the best in your writing endeavors. Sadly I did not receive your story. :( I hope you have a chance to send it again when the weather is better. I really enjoy reading other peoples works of art.
