Monday, 3 October 2011

Ding ding! Round Four of ROW80!

Today Round Four of ROW80 begins.
You check out the info here.
(you know you wanna join...
come on...
it's sooo yummy!)

Basically, it is the writing challenge that is designed for the average writer,
who has a life beyond the computer screen.

I was kind of torn about what kind of goals that I wanted to set for this time around,
I have a lot on my plate right now.
But I need to get back to my first love: writing (sorry love...not talking about you this time)

Taking all that into consideration,
here are my goals.


1. Survive my History of English Criticism class
This entails personal response essays, two major essays, and an exam. Most of the reading for this is done on the weekends. I have already finished my work for this coming week. :)

2. Edit three chapters of my WIP.
I am hoping for more then three chapters but I want to be realistic as well.

3. Blog at least  two times a week.
I would like to get this up to three times but I am busy right And, frankly, I need to focus on my novel first and foremost. :)

That is all I'm going to commit to for now.
Here's hoping that everyone has a great ROW80!
We are having a pahtay tomorrow on Twitter,
check out the details here if you would like to join us,
(I'll be the one with the lampshade on my head...).

Do you have any inspiring ways to keep on track with your goals? Please share them with me. No really. I'm begging here. ;)


  1. Huzzah for realistic goals!

    Good Luck.

  2. Huzzah for realistic goals!

    Good Luck.

  3. I hear you on the craziness :) Great goals. Good luck with them and I look forward to getting to know you in round 4.

  4. Great you are recognizing the busy time and planning to work through it. Good luck on your goals!


  5. Best of luck on your editing and blogging goals, and on your class as well!
