Sunday, 16 October 2011

ROW80 Check in (sad day).

So I had an amazing beginning of the week,
and then I got this wicked cold. :(

So even though I got lots of chapters done on Monday,
I have not done anything since,
except stay alive and keep the house running.
And, of course, feel sorry for myself.

I only got two blog posts done this week,
and I'm barely keeping my head afloat in my class reading.

This week?
...lean in close...I don't want any errant germs to hear my dreams of

I hope to do three blog posts.
Finish my reading for my class.
Edit three chapters.
Visit at least ten ROW80ers.

Still thinking about doing Nanowrimo...

Are any of you thinking of doing Nanowrimo this year? Why or why not? I would love to hear. Leave a comment for me. :)


  1. hope you are feeling a little better now - I won't let on what your goals are - dont think the germs heard as I read them - they are sneaky tho'!

    I'm doing naNo for first time this year - I have idea for book (nothing to do with my series) want to give it a go - also wish to see if the Nano way would suit me for other books I have found Jack's Tale really difficult going this year - was writing it in a different way to suit my editor but it didnt seem to work for the way I want to write - so fingers crossed will see if in Nov I can crack the way for me and still please editor!!!!

    all the best for this week - look after yourself

  2. I'm not because I'm going to be doing a TON of editing. That's enough to keep me busy for a while. Good luck with NaNoWriMo!

  3. Argh . . I have a cold too. My hubby brought one home from the airport for us to share, after his flight home was delayed all day. He also brought Popchips, so I forgive him. :)

    I'm doing my second NaNo this year. I got the draft of my current WIP out of last year's NaNo, so it works for me. My ROW80 goal for November is winning NaNo again. :)

    I hope you have a better day tomorrow. :)

  4. I think you should focus on your amazing book in process , I can't wait to read the edited version

  5. It's really hard to get the writing done when you're feeling lousy - hope you're better soon, if not already!

    I did NaNoWriMo a couple years ago, and won, but every other year, I've never hit it at the right time - as in, I have a new book planned out and ready to start. Like this year, I'm usually in the middle of revising something.

    Good luck with your ROW80 - and NaNo if you decide to go for it!

  6. Hope you feel better! I'm not planning to do NaNo simply because of the time commitment. But I am using November as an incentive to kick me into gear on plotting a few new stories I've been wanting to start all summer. :)

  7. I hope you feel better quickly, and certainly understand not getting anything done while sick. Hopefully, you can jump right back in.

    I still haven't decided if I'm doing NaNo. Or what I would work on. One more week to figure it out.
